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Ed Tech Made Easy

What: Podcast

Purpose: How-to incorporating podcasts into the k-12/higher learning classroom

Target Audience: K-12 and higher learning educators

Featured Tech Tools: Adobe Audition

Laptop and Heaphones
Ed Tech Made Easy - Ep. 1


For this project, I created a 2-minute podcast using Adobe Audition called Ed Tech Made Easy. Ideally, this podcast could be expanded to provide weekly 2-minute Ed Tech tips on a variety of topics. This episode focused on three different ways podcasts can be utilized in the k-12 or higher learning classroom. 


While teaching English Language Arts, I often utilized podcasts in my own classroom, so several of the ways I discuss how to incorporate podcasts comes directly from my experience and practice. For example, I have often had students analyze podcasts for persuasive techniques as a listening and analysis exercise, and I have had students create their own podcasts. Information I included within my podcast that was not directly related to my own practice as a classroom teacher was compiled and evaluated from research. My experience as an educator as well as my independent research serve to satisfy AECT Standards 2 (Content Pedagogy) and AECT Standard 5 (Research).


When working on this project, I decided to challenge myself by using Adobe Audition as opposed to Audacity. I have used Audacity several times before and have found it to be quite user-friendly and productive, but I thought I was ready for the next step. I felt like I had little trouble making this transition, and found some of the nuances in Audition ideal for the many iterations I went through in the editing process. The techniques and technologies I employed during this project satisfied the program objective 2 as well as AECT Standard 2 (Content Pedagogy).

Graduate Program Objective 3: Use modern technologies, and techniques (eg. collaborative teamwork and rapid prototyping) to design and develop learning materials, media and environments that promote near and far transfer of content knowledge.

AECT Standard 2 (Content Pedagogy): Candidates develop as reflective practitioners able to demonstrate effective implementation of educational technologies and processes based on contemporary content and pedagogy.

AECT Standard 5 (Research): Candidates explore, evaluate, synthesize, and apply methods of inquiry to enhance learning and improve performance.

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